Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2023 3:11 PM
Subject: vehicle theft
Dear Mr Smith
I am a former officer, now head of West Malling-based Claims Management & Adjusting, the UK’s oldest specialist motor insurance loss adjuster (theft, RTC & title – unique in this respect).
We have a long history of working with constabularies across the UK and have enjoyed a particularly good relationship with Kent – hence our knowledge of ‘Project Igneous’.
Sadly, Kent vehicle theft victims now commonly learn their constabulary are unable to find the car (just 6% recovered). Surely, the next best thing is to help the victim by helping their insurer put them back into the position they were pre-theft? This is not a complicated idea, or difficult to achieve, but there is precious little joined-up thinking.
In addition, I would appreciate a better understanding of your vehicle theft figures; KM conveyed 622 car thefts in Kent last year, whereas the DVLA have recorded over 1,000 cars, over 2,000 vehicles.
Furthermore, a recent information disclosure suggests you have uncovered virtually no fraudulent vehicle theft reports, no misreported instances. Can this really be correct?
I would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss these matters with you as it appears there is much more that could be done to assist victims, constabularies and insurers.
Yours sincerely,
Further information relating to vehicle crime reporting & invetsigation