Fraud claims including non-disclosure & misrepresentation.
CMA is probably best known for insurance fraud investigation, including non-disclosure and/or misrepresentation. In pound note terms, according to the Insurance Fraud Bureau, scams cost the UK economy over £3 billion every year. But claim settlements are just one aspect; your resources and reputation are at stake.
Not victimless crime
Our managing director, Philip Swift, a former detective, emphasises that fraud is not a victimless crime, but serious conduct requiring a professional, vigorous approach.
Fraud is a complex and sensitive subject. The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) reports thousands of complaints annually. The point often comes down to judgement: was misrepresentation careless or deliberate?
Fundamental to our success is respect for the truth; fair, balanced reporting, anchored on facts and supported by exceptional customer service. Whether you require pre-litigation evidence gathering, submission of cases for prosecution, or post-litigation recovery, we have a range of reporting options covering:
- Personal injury
- Staged/induced accidents
- Exaggerated damage/symptoms
- Fraudulent documentation
- Organised crime
Where there is clear evidence, our clients often wish perpetrators held to account. With our data and investigation expertise, such action need not be prohibitively onerous or costly.
We supplement information from the client with data and targeted use of our nationwide network of field investigators. From clumsy attempted deceptions to multi-million pound organised crime, we understand the elements of proof required and the types of evidence which meet the criteria.
Genuine claimants reassured
This thorough approach means the less honest think twice before progressing their claims. It also ensures that genuine claimants are reassured – they quickly understand they are in the hands of adjusters familiar with the environment and able to assist. What may initially appear suspect can often be quickly reconciled.
More broadly, we submit recommendations to partners including the National Vehicle Crime Working Group to develop strategic innovations to contend with the ever-changing fraud landscape.
“CMA has battled insurance fraud for 25 years, winning some notable victories, constantly learning, and devolving our technologies and strategies.
We demonstrate daily that the most valuable anti-deceit assets are information and expertise.
Facts fight fraud. Importantly, in addition to the financial rewards of repudiation, companies taking proactive steps also benefit from enhanced customer trust.”
Philip Swift
CMA Managing Director