Following the report of theft of your motor vehicle, the Police will make every effort to secure its return to you. This letter sets out what we will do and what will happen if we find your vehicle.
On discovery of your vehicle, where practicable, every effort will be made to contact you and give you the opportunity to make your own arrangements for recovery.
If we are unable to make contact with you, or you cannot attend in reasonable time, or the location of the vehicle necessitates an immediate removal then we will have the vehicle removed by contracted Vehicle Recovery Operator. The recovery operator will then take the vehicle to their premises to facilitate scientific examination for fingerprints, DNA and other forensic evidence.
Removal of the vehicle is important to protect it from damage or further theft, to ensure it cannot be used for other criminal activity and to prevent it from causing an obstruction or danger to other road users or persons.
Once your vehicle has been recovered, we will contact you and inform you where it is being kept and when it can be collected. To collect it, you or your insurer (depending on your policy) will have to pay the recovery agent a Statutory Removal fee and subsequent storage charges.
The recovery and storage charges are set by legislation and start from £150, depending upon the weight of the vehicle and the type of recovery required. Storage fees commence at £10 per day for two-wheeled vehicles and increase according to the weight of the vehicle. These charges are Zero rated VAT.
Storage charges are accrued on a daily basis until a vehicle is collected. There is no charge incurred for the days that the vehicle is held for investigation purposes. Full details of Statutory Charges for recovery and storage will be available at the Recovery Operator’s premises.
If you locate your vehicle yourself and arrange its removal, we would recommend that you arrange a comprehensive check of it before it is driven, to ensure it is safe and roadworthy. If you do recover the vehicle yourself, we are still keen to conduct an examination for fingerprints, DNA and other forensic evidence at a location convenient to you and would ask you make contact with the Police quoting your investigation number. In addition, you are obliged to inform your insurance company of any theft and recovery of your vehicle.
11/2021 Essex
Victim Information Leaflet
Reporting crime is an essential first step in bringing offenders to justice and ensuring your safety.
Who is dealing with your case?
Crime Reference Number | |
Name of
Reporting Officer |
Email of Reporting Officer | |
Phone number of Reporting officer | |
Your Local Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) | |
Contact your SNT | |
In most cases the reporting officer will also be the investigating officer but depending on the crime, the investigation may be passed to a specialist Criminal Investigation Department or Safeguarding Unit. Once the report has been allocated, the investigating officer will contact you.
The Safer Neighbourhood Team can assist by updating you on what’s being done to tackle crime in your area, providing crime prevention advice and linking you to Neighbourhood Watches or other local structures.
Contacting us
For non-emergencies call 101 and for immediate police response call 999.
Please contact the investigating officer if:
- You remember something not already included in your current statement.
- Your contact details change.
- The crime involved hostility, for example, if you were targeted because of your (or because of your perceived) race, sexuality, religion, disability or gender identity.
- You are worried about your own or your family’s safety or privacy.
- You have any specific needs, for example, mobility, communication or religious requirements.
Help with translation
You can ask for help with translation when reporting a crime, being interviewed by the police or giving evidence in court. Please discuss with the reporting officer or the investigating officer.
Investigating the crime
We will treat you with empathy, fairness, dignity and respect and will investigate impartially and with an open mind to establish the facts. This may involve:
- taking statements
- speaking to witnesses • completing CCTV enquiries
- doing forensic tests.
We will take your allegation seriously, support you and, where offences have been committed, do our best to bring offenders to justice. Whatever happens, you will be told whether or not the crime is being investigated further or if the investigation is closed and the reasons why.
Gathering evidence and building a case may take 18 months or more, depending on the complexity of the case. You will be kept informed on how your case is progressing every 28 days.
Victims’ Right to Review (VRR)
If you are dissatisfied with the police decision not to prosecute, you are entitled to seek a review within three months of the decision. At the conclusion of the investigation you will be provided details on the VRR process and how you can request a review. Visit: *
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Victims’ Journey
To share victim experiences and show you what you can expect, we have created some victim journey maps. Visit: https://www.
Your Rights and Entitlements
The Victims’ Code sets out the services you can expect and explains your rights including how to make a complaint. The police will ask questions to establish what help and support you might need.
For more information about support services and the Victims’ Code visit: your-rights/victims-code
Victim Support Services
The police will ask if you wish to be referred to support services to help you cope with the impact of the crime. If you agree,
they will pass your details onto the London Victim and Witness Service (LVWS). You may decide not to access the service when asked, however if you change your mind at a later date, the service will still be available to you. The LVWS offers free and confidential support to victims and witnesses of crime. Visit: or call 0808 168 9291.
My Support Space
My Support Space is an online portal designed to help victims manage the impact of crime. This service is free, safe, secure and confidential. Victims can choose how they want to be supported. This includes advice on trauma, sleep, and coping strategies. Visit:
Restorative Justice
As a victim, you may be able to undertake restorative justice and have a say in the resolution of the offence against you, if the offender pleads guilty. Restorative Justice brings those harmed by crime with those responsible for the harm into communication, enabling everyone affected to play a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward. Visit:, or email or call 020 7603 4014.
Below is a list of information that you may be entitled to if an offender is charged to charge.
Offender charged to court
If someone is arrested or interviewed by the police, depending on the crime, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) will decide whether to prosecute. Only a small proportion of cases proceed to court. If your case goes to court, the police will assign a dedicated Witness Care Officer from the Witness Care Unit who will update you on the progress and offer practical information and support. Visit: *
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Victim Personal Statement
The Victims’ Code entitles victims to make a Victim Personal Statement (VPS). This allows you, where applicable, to tell the court how the offence has affected you or your family. It gives you a voice in the criminal justice process.
You can ask to read your statement aloud in court or have it read on your behalf if the defendant pleads ‘or is found’ guilty. The court decides whether you can read your statement aloud. If you have been a victim of business crime, you can make a Business Impact Statement. Visit:
Giving evidence
If you have made a witness statement you may need to give evidence in court. Victim Support’s Witness Service will offer free and confidential support by organising a pre-trial visit. This is usually arranged in advance of the trial and can be useful in familiarising yourself with the court layout and procedures. For many victims it can also help reduce the anxiety of attending court. Visit: or or call 0808 168 9111.
In order to assist vulnerable victims to offer their best evidence, an application for ‘special measures’ can be made. These measures include giving evidence behind a screen, or video link, so the accused ‘or those sitting in the public gallery’ cannot be seen. These are just some of the measures available that can be discussed further with the investigating officer.
When someone is convicted of an offence and sent to prison, they pass into the care of the prison service. To find out more visit
For the Victim Contact Scheme and Parole Board visit: If you think a sentence imposed is unduly lenient, you can ask for a Crown Court sentence to be reviewed by writing to the Attorney General’s Office. Contact must be made within 28 days of the sentencing and can be made through a legal or public representative. For more information on the Unduly Lenient Sentence Scheme visit: or
If you have been a victim of a violent crime, you may be eligible for compensation or financial assistance for loss of earnings, if you have had no or very limited capacity for paid work as a result of your injury. You can apply for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), whether someone has been prosecuted for the offence or not.
You must apply as soon as you can and within two years of the crime happening. However, there are separate provisions for those who were under the age of 18 years at the time of the incident and the time limit may be extended where there are exceptional reasons to do so. Do not wait until the end of a civil or criminal trial before applying for criminal injuries compensation. Visit or call 0300 003 3601. They can help you complete an application over the phone.
Protection from harassment or intimidation
If you, or others close to you, are harassed or intimidated during an investigation or trial, you should contact the police immediately. The court can impose restrictions to prevent the accused from making contact with an individual or group.
Media and Independent Press Standards Organisation
Depending on the nature of the crime that is being reported, there will be restrictions on press reporting in terms of identifying victims. If you are concerned contact the investigating officer. Visit:
Citizens Advice
Can help with financial problems or advice, legal issues or other practical problems. Visit: or call 03444 111 444.
Support agencies
Additional organisations can be found at: *
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Whether you’d like to say thanks or make a complaint we would like to hear from you. Visit: feedback/tc/thanks-and-complaints/make-complaint
MPS 02/2023
MPS letter 02/2023 in relation to a vehicle theft
We are sorry to hear that you have been the victim of crime and will be working hard to catch those responsible.
What you tell us can also help us in investigating other cases – identifying links between different crimes and making sure police and other agencies know where crime is happening, so that we can take action to prevent other people from becoming victims.
In your case, there appear to be opportunities for further investigation so we have sent it to the local police station that covers the area where your crime happened for further local assessment. A local investigator should contact you soon.
If you need support or advice on coming to terms with your experience, the independent London Victim and Witness Service (LVWS) can help. You can email them on or get in touch through the online form on their website You can also call LVWS on 0808 168 9291 (8am–8pm Mon to Fri, 9am-5pm Sat) or speak to the national 24hr helpline on 0808 1689 111.
To help us improve, you may be contacted by the MPS, or the Mayor’s Office for Policing & Crime (MOPAC), or a company they appoint to ask questions about the service you received. The MPS & MOPAC will only share your information with this research company in its role as a public authority to improve the experiences of victims. You will be asked for your consent to give feedback. What we learn helps us ensure we are providing the best service. Your identifiable information will only be stored for a maximum of three years.
Yours sincerely,
To update this crime or for further information about the investigation | |
What to expect from the Criminal Justice System | |
You can request a copy of your report by contacting the Information Rights Unit | |
To find out about policing in your local area | |
For useful crime prevention advice | |
To help prevent mobile phone crime please register your handset | |
To tell us what you think and help us improve | |