Have you been presented a claim by Network Rail (NR) following a bridge strike that occurred between 5pm and 7pm of a weekday? If so, what were you charged for the first 4-hour (minimum fee) attendance:
- £368.33 or
- £859.43
It appears either could apply!
We attempted to reconcile NR’s charges following bridge strikes, asking them to explain the figures. Our informal approaches have been rejected, and we have been forced to the Freedom of Information Act. Hopefully, the above will be addressed along with some other oddities, for example:
- The call-out charge for a weekend is 133% higher than for a weekday whereas:
- Extra hours at a weekend are £7.94/hour (16.67%) higher than for a weekday
We have at least managed to address Amey’s 2nd cyber-attack NR blamed for the delays in receiving information – there was no attack! We await the actual explanation.
NR standard Explanation on Bridge Exam Fee( AA04B005)